It’s going to be a good weekend. I’m speaking it loud and clear; therefore, making it happen.

     That’s how powerful our thoughts are. Our thoughts can take control and move us from a place of negativity to positivity or from sadness to joy. We can choose to take captive the things that enter our minds that aren’t good for us…we can isolate those thoughts and eliminate them. Did you realize that you have that capability?? We do.  From my own experience, I have found that to be an enormous catalyst in battling things like doubt or judgment or any other of the many, many poisonous outlooks I can choose to have every day.

But there is a catch! Some feelings we have are meant to make us aware and aren’t meant to be ignored. Think of them as promptings and yield signs in our life.

Slow down

Dangerous conditions ahead

Proceed with Caution

     Herein lies the challenge of discernment. How do we know what thoughts to pay attention to and what thoughts should be taken captive and not allowed to aggravate and plague our spirit? It’s like cleaning out your closet and deciding between clothes you should keep and clothes you should toss. How many times do we stand there, holding an item and can’t decide what to do with it…
     I wish there was an easy, black and white answer to discernment… if there is, I’m not yet clear in my ability to differentiate. Especially not after the week or so I’ve just had.
     But in a personal moment of prayer this week, I asked God to just make it all clear to me. I had seemingly lost my ability to sort out the promptings from the warnings from the truths to the lies in my head and He brought me to a place last night that was just one of peace. I slept soundly and woke up calm.

Stop worrying even though it’s your inclination to do so. I’m going to use everything for good. Changes have already happened ~ it’s all been done.

I may not be able to figure it all out but when He brings peace to my restless heart, I trust in Him. Entirely.

By Amy

Wife.Mom.Christian.Blogger.....and that's really just the beginning. :-)

One thought on “Keep…or toss?”
  1. I do not have the words to fully explain how this post has helped me. I too have been struggling for sometime with discernment…the lies in my head have been getting the best of me and the truth has been clouded. My worry has consumed me and I've been drowning in it for so long feeling helpless…..this post is like a lifesaver you have thrown me…I'm praying for peace & grace..pray for me too!In HIS LOVE, Deb

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