There are many different things in the world that bother me~ just like they do you. Injustice, poverty, and cruelty quickly come to mind. That said, I am unable to watch heart-wrenching 60 second spots (that seem like 5 minutes) about abused animals. I have to turn my head away while watching religious programming on Mission trips where the children are so emaciated that their bones appear to be covered by nothing more than skin. I balk when I see postings on Facebook about dogs being euthanized or, worse yet, pictures of those about to be euthanized. My hypersensitivity may not always be recognizable to some but, believe me, it’s there.

There IS a difference in how I react, though, compared to what I used to do. What I used to do was turn off the tv and try all kinds of imagery to replace what I had just seen. I didn’t actually monetarily support those raising money to fight the injustice because then I would have to see these images in my mailbox every month. Way too hard.

I began to feel pretty ashamed of looking away because I was too wimpy to learn. I began to feel convicted to educate myself despite my lack of wanting to.

Last week, I made a decision to try very hard to adhere to a vegan lifestyle. Now, please understand, I’m not judging ANYONE who doesn’t “get it” or even judging those who “get it” and disagree with it. Nor am I asking you to not judge me. I can live with judgments or disagreements.

When I avoided meat, I thought vegans were nuts (no pun intended). I couldn’t get why eating eggs hurt a chicken or why pouring milk on my cereal was a problem for cows. I just wasn’t educated because I didn’t really want to read literature about it or, God forbid, view a video that would show me what I couldn’t emotionally stomach. Finally, I did find an article that educated me and did so without knocking me over the head with horrific still pictures or footage. For that, I am grateful. If you’re interested, I’ll send you a great link.

I’m not going to eradicate factory farms single-handedly or replenish the ocean but I’m proud to not be contributing to the opposite actions any longer. I am also grateful that I get to choose.  I am grateful that you get to choose, too.

By Amy

Wife.Mom.Christian.Blogger.....and that's really just the beginning. :-)

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