Friendships are vastly ~ completely ~ different than acquaintances. We all know people who claim to have hundreds of friends (Facebook friend collectors, for instance) but when surveyed, most people say they have less than a handful of people who are true friends…the kind you can call in the middle of the night, that bail you out of a situation, or stand by your side at your wedding.  The kind who will bring you some chicken soup when you have a cold or will take your kids out for ice cream when you’ve had “one of those days”.

I saw this quote just a few days ago, on the cusp of an event that would make me consider whether I am a true friend. Even though she and I had gone in separate directions a couple of years ago, was longevity and true friendship still at work? Thankfully, there was little hesitation on my part (though the little shove of encouragement from my husband was helpful)… she was hurting and I was going to be there in spite of disagreements, hurt or even the distinct possibility of rejection. That kind of friendship is a treasure; rare in these times when communities aren’t what they once were. People are transient and acquaintances are collected and discarded with little thought. But friendships are made up of the good, the embarrassing, the hysterical, the sad, and the disagreements. All of it.  Here’s to never giving up hope.

What is a true friend? A true friend says what they think their friend needs to hear even when they know that their friend may get angry. A true friend doesn’t leave because they are afraid to be with you. A true friend doesn’t leave when the fun stops and things get uncomfortable. These are just of few of the values that real friends hold dear. In short, a true friend recognizes the value of the friendship and holds it sacred.

Friendship isn’t how you forget, but how you forgive. Not how you listen, but how you understand. Not how you see, but how you feel. Not how you let go, but how you hold on!


By Amy

Wife.Mom.Christian.Blogger.....and that's really just the beginning. :-)

3 thoughts on “Holding On”
  1. This one brought a tear. I was contacted last week by a friend of 41 years. We have seen or spoke to each other just a handful of times thru the years. We call each other sissy even now. Lunch is in the planning. Thank you Amy! xoxoxo

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