You know what makes a beautiful morning for me?
I woke up at 5:30am, already hearing my husband in the shower. Now, dragging yourself from a warm bed at 5:30am on an unusually crisp morning isn’t necessarily beautiful BUT once I got up, made the coffee, fed the dogs and packed the hubby’s lunch, I was glad I had.  I was able to watch Joyce Meyer, read a bit, listen to Soundscapes on Music Choice and enjoy a beautiful sunrise. There’s the beauty.
What was monotonous two weeks ago became a beautiful, restored routine.

I’ve been away from home for a bit. I spent last week with my parents in Ohio. Initially, I went because my mom was experiencing some health issues and there was a lot of concern about the possible diagnosis but God removed those fears and the diagnosis, which finally came yesterday, is easily treated. So the week that I expected to have~ supporting my dad and helping my mom~ was replaced with an energetic mom who suggested a couple of movie nights, some dinners out and a trip to a museum. It was a truly wonderful week with just the 3 of us. Many laughs and good talks… as they interacted in their daily routines, I often forgot that they’re in the mid 70’s. And, then, I’d have to wait up for my dad as he got out of the van and walked into the grocery store (his absolute favorite past-time is grocery shopping for nothing in particular) or my mom would want to watch some show on tv that only old folks could relate to. 

I learned the meaning of the word cherish last week. My time with them was cherished…all of their individual “ism’s” that make them unique and special no longer irritated me as they so often have in the past. I loved that we could be doing the breakfast dishes while deciding where to eat for lunch. Or that my dad still tries to cheat when we play Rummy. Or that I had to teach them how to import photos from their camera. Or that my mother has a house suitable for Better Homes and Gardens and is thinking of selling and starting over. Or that my dad knocks on my bedroom door at 10:30 one night to ask if I want to order a pizza. Or that they treat their dogs like royalty with warm shredded chicken at every meal. The list goes on and on….believe me.

But now I’m home. My routine is re-established and my morning began at 5:30am, crawling from warmth into whatever the day may hold. What could be more beautiful than that? Memories of last week and possibilities for the one ahead….

Be blessed,

By Amy

Wife.Mom.Christian.Blogger.....and that's really just the beginning. :-)

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