How did nearly 2 months pass without a blog post? It’s not really complicated~ busy, lack of time, lack of ideas, pre-occupied, blah, blah, blah….the answer is really simple. I wasn’t inspired to write and that’s okay. We all need breaks from things we love now and again in order to renew our passion and our dedication.

While I was away from the blog, I was in preparation for a commitment that took place this last weekend. Sort of. I was supposed to be in preparation but, for some bizarre reason, my intentions at follow through were sorely lacking any real action. Has that ever happened to you? You are excited about a new challenge and yet lack the energy (and, yes, confidence!) to actually see your commitment to fruition? For reasons still entirely known to me, I was a lukewarm participant in my own, self-made obligation.

As I’m sitting here now and typing the word LUKEWARM, I’m reminded of how Francis Chan described lukewarm in his book “Crazy Love” and my first reaction to describing my attitude with this particular, well chosen word is pretty shameful. But, hey, if you can’t be honest with yourself and in your own blog, what hope is there?

I nearly dropped the ball on my commitment but there was a catalyst that changed everything and it can be summed up with just one word. Encouragement. Every time I felt too overwhelmed and every time I felt like the people who were relying on me had been mistaken in their confidence in my ability, I was encouraged with words of affirmation. Oh, and I wasn’t given an option to quit! That was important because, believe me, I was looking for a back door exit but none was presented. I’m so thankful that the exit wasn’t an option because seeing this commitment through was such a gift to me.

Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into a flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.  ~Albert Schweitzer
Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into a flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light. ~Albert Schweitzer


People who provide encouragement are priceless. Literally. They stay in your corner and they don’t let you sit and whine about your situation for too long before their subtle, swift kick in the pants snaps you out of your pity party. I hope I’ve been an encourager when needed but being the recipient in such a big way really brought home a forgotten lesson. It doesn’t take a great deal of effort to encourage but it sometimes takes a great deal of tenacity… and it’s worth it. REALLY worth it. Mandy, you saved me from myself and I’m thankful. I’m not sure I was working within my particular gifting but you made me stretch and you removed the option to give up before I had even tried. That is the sign of a true leader. Because of you, I will encourage someone today ~ words are very inexpensive and have a value that will not be confined. Thank you.


By Amy

Wife.Mom.Christian.Blogger.....and that's really just the beginning. :-)

6 thoughts on “Exit Doors”
  1. Insightful, full of raw and open self reflection. Love, love reading your blog. You inspire me to be a better person.

  2. Amazing! I so needed this today.I have been wallowing in self pity too much lately. Your words ALWAYS encourage me! <3 u my friend.

  3. Amy,
    I relate exactly to what you are saying. You think “Why do they think i can do this? They may have made a mistake.” And then you get to the weekend…err challenge… and then you step up and handle it. It was definitely a stretch for me too….learning and knowing when to make a decision or let others stretch their wings instead…picking your battles and your convictions. Amazing weekend….with God’s hands on all. So proud of you ….you did a great job. ps- I could have gone my whole life without knowing how amazing a cherry sour is though! LOL. Love you!

    1. It’s so reassuring that I wasn’t the only one who thought I was in WAY over my head. When you get the call and you’re told your name was prayed over for the task, you just trust that God knows something we don’t know (LOL). Now I just wish I had relaxed, breathed and trusted instead of panicking and hiding. Robin, YOU were definitely in your area and I’m really bummed I didn’t get to see much so maybe we need to get together so I can have an encore performance. LOL Love you, too….and sorry about that cherry sour thing.

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