There really isn’t a great deal of criteria required to write a blog, you know. ANYone can do it…one just has to write.

I took a 2 month hiatus from February to April and I took another, unexpected hiatus from April to June. The interesting thing is that I had things I wanted to write about relatively often during the past 4 months but, apparently, the blog wasn’t a priority. This morning, I started to consider my priorities of 2013 and what had moved up the list and what had, inevitably, lowered on the scale of importance. That’s the thing about priorities ~ you can pretend to have many but your real, true priorities will be addressed despite schedules, deadlines, commitments, illness, sleepiness, eating, etc. In other words, if you really WANT to make something a priority, you will.
BOOM. How simple is that??

Not everything in your life is going to make the cut. It’s simply not possible. By it’s very definition, priorities indicate privilege and precedence. It occurred to me in late 2012 that I had been prioritizing out of order. I had really wanted God to be first, for instance, but I often forgot to put him at the front of the line. I wanted reading, my passion since childhood, to find time in each and every day but I was sadly reminded while dusting my nightstand twice a week that the books rarely moved from their assigned spots. I had wanted to get more active ~ this isn’t about how I look in my jeans and tank tops~ this is about how healthy I really am. Next year is a pivotal year in a person’s life and I want to make sure when I blow out the multitude of candles on the birthday cake, that I’m as healthy as I can be possibly be. I wanted to make a difference in animals lives by not eating them, fighting for them and loving more than my own. I wanted to continue to make my family and their needs my focal point because I truly feel like that’s my vocation.

purposeHappily, I’m progressing well on the change of priorities. I feel more centered, more confident in my decisions, more secure in my own skin and more contributive to my little piece of the world. So far, so good, right? Well…here’s a little difficulty with all of that and I’m sure it’s just my own, individual problem but what’s a blog without transparency.

Now that I’m blissfully focusing on MY priorities, I kind of would like to see other people prioritizing on their own a little better, too.  If they don’t share my priorities, can they at least define them??

I don’t know where this self-righteous stance is coming from but I’d like to think it’s meant to do good and not evil. I’d like to think I’m so concerned about others defining their priorities because I’d like them to zone in on what makes them tick and, as part of the trickle down effect, begin to be happier…but I might just care because I’m too curious about what their priorities actually are.

I’m beginning to see why blogging ~ and letting you see just how smug I can be~ has fallen on the scale.

Be blessed….Amy


By Amy

Wife.Mom.Christian.Blogger.....and that's really just the beginning. :-)

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