Hey all! Congrats to those of you who have children ~who with either an attitude of joyful expectation or an attitude of gloomy depression~ strapped on the backpack and headed off to learn! August. It’s a GOOD time to be a parent…. until homework and practices kick in to full gear and then the lazy days of summer will, once again, be the carrot held out in front of your face that you get to bite in about 9 months. Good luck with that.

I am, as you probably know, quite done with those days. The 2 kids (they aren’t anymore) have both graduated from college. One is a high school teacher which is still hard to believe…I could barely get her to attend high school and now she’s getting her masters while working full-time…and one began a successful business with me a year ago and then recently landed a very promising position at a start up company that’s growing by leaps and bounds. Overachievers. They take after their dad   🙂

So, August has taken on a different flavor for me this year. I didn’t buy one single textbook or piece of notebook paper, I didn’t complete financial aid forms or worry about school uniforms. There is, in fact, at least one reason to strive for the season in life I know as post-raising-children.

PoohIn any case, the season has changed, if not the temperatures. Even if you don’t have children in school, you’re going to notice a change in the coming days. More traffic in the morning, fewer kids in the grocery stores and malls during the day (insert happy dance here) and then, of course, the Halloween displays will be thrown up quicker than the Back-to-School sale signs can be torn down. We’re in a hurry….to get somewhere.

Here’s a tiny bit of advice. Treasure what today brings~ even if it doesn’t turn out to be this stupendous, awesome day. Even if your pre-k angel comes home crying because leaving you is more than they can bear, take heart. In a blink of an eye, they’ll be in middle school. I know people tell you that all of the time and you smile (or you think “I wish!”) but it’s true. Don’t miss a second.

I’ve missed you. Let’s “talk” more often.


By Amy

Wife.Mom.Christian.Blogger.....and that's really just the beginning. :-)

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