Live Blood Cell Analysis was posted at my local Nutrition S’Mart and I signed up a couple of weeks ago. In theory, this person examines your blood under a microscope (on the spot) and he/she can spot “irregularities” based on cell shape, halo shapes around cells, etc.  I said “in theory” because I wasn’t sure if this guy knew anything more than suggestive vitamin selling but, it turns out, his explanation of what seems to be going on in my bloodstream agrees with what a physician told me a few months ago. The physician that I basically ignored until today.
Within 30 minutes, I knew I lacked sufficient protein. No surprise there- I don’t eat meat and I don’t always take the supplement prescribed to me but that’s an easy fix- a protein shake that doesn’t taste like poop. I found it today.  I was also told my insulin levels are erratic, probably because of my healthy intake of carbs. Oh, did I say healthy intake? Yeah, not so much. Too many carbs do not really assist an insulin erratic person. UGHHHH…..I love pasta and bread.
I’m glucose intolerant. Okay, who isn’t these days? No problem there, either, because reducing carbs will reduce gluten.
Lastly, turns out my intestinal track is out of whack and I have something he called “leaky gut”. WHAT??? I don’t want leaky anything but a leaky gut? The symptoms can show up as fatigue, skin rashes, and about a dozen other things that are a little less palatable. This Doctor of Oriental Medicine (truly, that’s his impressive though somewhat sketchy title) put my fears to ease. Easy fix- some herb that has about 19 letters in it will fix that leaky situation promptly. Well, hallelujah to that!

The really cool thing about all of this? It is EXACTLY what a licensed physician had recently told me and whom I labeled as melodramatic. Well, I’m 50 now. I’m not particularly fond of the prospect of poor future health and I can definitely tell you that taking action now sounds a lot better than living my life taking pills. My mom visited recently and I was alarmed at the amount of pills she takes every day. Thanks, I’d rather take supplements, eat better, rejoin the yoga studio and avoid living at the CVS Pharmacy.
As a pescatarian for years and a vegetarian here and there, I’ve also decided to try a Vegan diet for the next 30 days (beginning this Friday) Yes, it’s because I’m completely against animal cruelty of any kind and, yes, it’s because I have the potential to feel better with a pretty small sacrifice. I LIKE vegetables. I LIKE nuts and fruits. I LIKE protein shakes….I’ll be fine.
competeI refuse to become one of those weird vegans who stand in their ivory tower and look down on all of you mere mortals. On the contrary! I’d like to see you healthy and happy…. we can do this together and if you’re ahead of me on the Road to Health, show me what has worked for you! It bears stating that physical health is awesome but we shouldn’t forget our spiritual and emotional health in the process. (Disclaimer complete).

I’ve been really fortunate in my months of vegan research to stumble upon a few really incredible sites where judgment does not exist. I’d be happy to share those with you, if you’re interested.

Be blessed,

By Amy

Wife.Mom.Christian.Blogger.....and that's really just the beginning. :-)

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