I try to make reading a part of every day…not 50 Shades of Grey reading..but real, substantial reading that’s going to give me an “a-ha” moment or, at the very least, cause me to sit and think about something. Maybe another perspective I’ve never entertained will come to life or maybe I’ll recognize something someone has written as being exactly true to my story. That’s just one of the reasons I love blogs…. Momastery, Soberboots, Rachel Held Evans, My Kind of Life, The Kind Life….they’re all blogs about a variety of subjects- raising kids, depression, addiction, faith, cruelty free living and kindness. Short, concise blurbs that speak to me and inspire me nearly every single day.
If I miss a few days of reading, I start missing these words of wisdom and, more importantly, I notice a difference in my level of inspiration and enthusiasm…such is the impact words with meaning have on my life personally. You can just imagine what happens after a few days of not delving into THE word- THE book of all books. Yeah, it’s not pretty.
So, anyway, this morning I’m perusing (again) “not a fan” by Kyle Idleman. There is literally a tidbit from every single page that is worth reading a few times but here’s the one that stood out today.

A belief, no matter how sincere, if not reflected in reality isn’t a belief; it’s a delusion.     (he’s referring to belief in Christ but can this not be applied to what you believe about your marriage, your career, yourself??)

blossomI think a lot of us walk around with delusional thinking. I can believe all day long that I’m kind to everyone I meet but if not reflected in reality, I’m delusional. You can believe with all certainty that the relationship you’re in is healthy, but is it really reflected in reality? A person can declare they’re a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim or Hindu, but is it reflected in their daily living? In other words, believing IN something (having faith) is great. It’s a start. But, at some point, it needs to be a concrete belief that is demonstrated in reality.

I believe I’m the kindest person I can be every day.    (even to the cop; even to the kid next door; even to my boss; even when no one is looking; even in my thoughts)

I believe my relationship is healthy.  (it demonstrates love, grace, forgiveness, effort, authenticity, truth, honesty, compassion)

I believe in Christ (for instance).  (I not only believe, my actions reflect my belief. There is joy in serving and following Christ. I have eliminated toxic patterns in my life that hinder my relationship with God)

Believing is awesome. Believing in something and it being reflected in reality is authentic truth.

Be blessed,


By Amy

Wife.Mom.Christian.Blogger.....and that's really just the beginning. :-)

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