When life is behaving agreeably, days turn in to weeks and we can lull ourselves into believing that not much will change. We can start believing that life is predictable and, dangerously, that we’re in control of the consistency and unvaried rhythm. What a lie we allow ourselves to believe…even in our subconscious.
I don’t think we set ourselves up on purpose! We’re just built to be complacent; designed to be slightly unconcerned about the “what if’s” because it’s pretty unhealthy to live in an anxious state of mind. In fact, society calls people who live while “fearing the unknown” a tad bit unstable.
So, while I’m not suggesting we obsess over it, I’m suggesting we need to avoid living a life we don’t really pay attention to. We should be enjoying the rhythmic lull of our daily lives, not just taking part in it. You do it; so do I. Work takes up countless hours a day and family obligations take another chunk- and then, just like THAT snap
– that FAST – you’ve spent weeks in the continual grind and got sucked into that time warp….until something unexpected happens. And the unexpected always happens.

A few weeks ago, a good (okay, good but sad) unexpected event happened on an ordinary Thursday. My son walked in from work to tell me that the small (but rapidly growing company) he is working for is moving to Austin, TX and he’s been asked to make the move. In approximately 8 weeks. Stunned for a full minute, I eventually managed a feeble attempt at encouragement. “Wow, that’s awesome…great opportunity…Austin is cool….” and I meant it. I also meant, “Isn’t Austin like 40,000 miles from Tampa? What about your family? I won’t see you every day? We’re going to be like other families- spread all over the country?”
I had gotten lulled into thinking he’d be locally settled forever. And now, for the foreseeable future anyway, he won’t.
The SURPRISE!! moments in life are what keeps us alive and grateful for the seemingly mundane moments…which, by the way, are never really mundane.

I remember when my kids were babies and older, much wiser people would tell momentme “Enjoy these times. Before you know it, it’ll all be over and you’ll wonder where the time went.” Unlike the stories of those older, wiser people walking 17 miles in the snow to get to school, this statement was actually true. The time flies…and the beautiful, predictable moments get lost in between moments of good surprises and sad surprises…and the surprises that fall into both categories.
Taking anything for granted is a terrible transgression- relationships, financial stability, first steps, last good-byes….diaper changes, school shopping, family vacations, moves back home, moves away from home….all of those are little and big surprises in life. Good stuff. Blessings. But we have to pay attention.

Be blessed,

By Amy

Wife.Mom.Christian.Blogger.....and that's really just the beginning. :-)

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