According to social media, there is a lot going on. People posting their stuff all over Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and probably all of the other sites I don’t belong to. Some vent, others ask for prayer, others downplay their predicament, some create their own issues (sorry, but that’s the truth), some are the victims of things beyond their control, and some post rainbows and butterflies every day because that’s what they’d like us all to see or that’s what they need to see. Maybe a little of both.

The thing is that for all of the social media “friends” we have, unless there’s a real investment outside of the typed word or snapped photograph, “friendship” might be a term that we stretch like a rubber-band. SO let’s get real about this. On your Facebook account, for example, do you see the people who politically bash? The people with the “shared” posts- nothing really original to say? How about the people who want everyone to think they’re the next Jimmy Fallon, always using witty, one-liners for everything? Here’s one- know the people who claim to despise people who judge but judgment spills over in every word they say? Or the person who feels the need to remind you far too often that they’re madly in love or that they have a special friend who completes their world? Spiritual people? Gun lovers and all posts have a photo of a barrel pointed at you? Animal lovers? Activists for cleaner food? People selling their product subliminally? People selling their product overtly?

Here’s the thing. Just like the Brad Paisley song says, “I’m so much cooler online”….we can be whoever we want to be.  We can be whoever other people want us to be. It’s all a little exhausting. 

I might take 5 pictures of myself before I’ll post 1. Know why? I didn’t like the way the other 4 turned out. (Truth is….I might take 10)
I’m not going to post a status of how irritated I am with my ______ (insert husband, daughter, son, mother, dad, sister- whoever) but I will probably post if we’re out having a good time. Know why? I only want you to see the good times.
Sound vaguely familiar? Social Media isn’t real life. It’s just not. I’m not calling you out for posting uplifting, funny, activist, spiritual stuff….not at all. I’m simply saying you’re not taking a selfie with bed head and bags under your eyes because that isn’t how you want to be perceived. We all want people to believe the best about us and if we’re careful about what we post, that’s a job well done.
So the next time you feel envious of someone’s life on Instagram, check yourself. The next time you wonder aloud if that sunshine and butterfly person on Facebook has ever a bad day, stop wondering. They do. Maybe they handle it better than most but they have bad days.
So what prompted this? Yes, I’m a little annoyed. It’s not a particularly positive experience to watch my neighbors go at each other on our neighborhood Facebook page (over DUMB things- sand hill cranes, hot tubs, an accidental kid poop in the community pool or gym hours) nor is it a particularly positive experience when someone creates drama because they take something personally or over-analyze a post. Do this the next time you feel offended by something written or posted.

Turn off your computer.
Ask yourself if it’s possible that you’re a little sensitive. Maybe it’s PMS. Maybe you’re just a guy who is easily hurt.
Get on with your day.

cocktailsYou know why? Because social media is a cocktail party. Nothing is real there, either.

And someone always stays too long…

Be Blessed,

By Amy

Wife.Mom.Christian.Blogger.....and that's really just the beginning. :-)

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