What is it about being a woman that makes us want to change our hair constantly? The obvious answer is “because we can” but men can change their hair and most don’t. It’s funny~ my husband decided about 2 years ago that he was growing his hair out since he is no longer in the military and no longer has restrictions put on him. That particular endeavor lasted approximately 2 weeks until he realized that the hair he grew out in 1988 was far different from the hair he grew out in 2010. So, okay, I get that. You tried it and it didn’t quite pan out. A+ for effort, honey….
but women. We’re neurotic about changing it up. Summers, we need lighter. Autumn, we need darker. We need versatility~ short but long enough for a ponytail. We need to be able to recover from motorcycle helmet hair, we need to be able to curl it, straighten it, lift it up and smooth it down. We need products for all of these demands~ we need, we need, we need.
Men, no wonder you don’t “get” us. WE don’t “get” us.

Still, the fact remains. We need to change our hair on a whim and our men need to just deal with it.

So, several months ago, I gave in and threw my straightener in the garbage. Sick to death of the morning grind in order to ultimately bow to Florida humidity, I acquiesced and embraced my natural waves.  YES! Special shampoo, special conditioner, special gel and **POOF**, the curly hair of my toddlerhood appeared like a long lost friend. We enjoyed getting to know one another again, my curly hair and me. We spent hours together trying new things while secretly laughing at people still fighting with their hair.
There we were~ all curled up together. (clever pun, huh??)

And, then, that womanly, crazy, inexplainable thought occurred. I need change.

So, today, I will walk into the salon that has straightened my hair twice before (stick straight), sit through the arduous process of transformation and walk out later, shaking my fist at the humidity. You will not defeat me!


Okay, this isn’t  me but you get the picture. LOL

Women. What weirdos. 

Be blessed,

P.S. Don’t worry, curly haired fans. I’m sure I’ll be back someday. I always, always come back.


By Amy

Wife.Mom.Christian.Blogger.....and that's really just the beginning. :-)

One thought on “Hair Crisis”
  1. Yup!!! I get this one. I was compared to shirley temple when I was little. Breezed through those years when “big hair” was in and fit in when perms were in. These past few “straight” years have left me like a fish out of water. I just refused to spend that hour every am to straighten. I too found a workable cut and products that would work ‘with’ me and my crazy curls. Wash, apply products, GO! It wa about learning to work with the hair I was given and not against it. I will go in and get highlights periodically so that middle age dishwater bleh color is not present. Good to be good with my hair 🙂
    My straightener, while I rarely used it, won’t be tossed however, Thing cost over a hundred bucks – crazy

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