I turned 50 in April. 50

Since then, I’ve stood at the top of the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland, walked the streets of London, had a pint of Guiness in Dublin, enjoyed British cream tea in Cornwall and toured vast castles. I’ve also done a great deal of laundry, fed my dogs 3x daily, scrubbed a toilet or two, written articles, attended a graduation, hosted a family dinner and walked my clients beloved pets.

IMG_3802Turning 50 has been pretty awesome so far. No regrets. I’ve earned this half century mark. Getting here has been filled with joy that can barely stay contained, spilling over like a glass of over-poured wine. It’s also been filled with the kind of sadness and hopelessness that empties out a soul and hollows out a heart. But the point is that it’s here~ this surprise of 50 years lived and the stark realization that another 50 is unlikely. What have I done with this gift of 5 decades? Have I done enough; made enough of a difference? How will I live the next decade? More importantly, how will I live today?

I’m certainly not the brightest person in the world. I’m not even the brightest person in my house! But, I’m evolving just like you. Tweaking, learning, absorbing, inhaling….exhaling.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned on the journey of life?
Would you be the person you are today without the hard knocks? Would you be better? Would you be worse?


Let’s start learning from each other. I invite you to comment and offer feedback. I invite you to share what you read and help others with your insight.


By Amy

Wife.Mom.Christian.Blogger.....and that's really just the beginning. :-)

4 thoughts on “I’m Still Learning”
  1. Amy, I truly enjoy reading your articles. You truly make sense to me. Continue your journey and keep on ‘writing’. Hugs and kisses always, cuz DORY…

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